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Leadership, Faculty & Staff

The small group experience and creative teaching methods offered at SAA would not be possible without the commitment and myriad talents of our dedicated faculty.SAA teachers hail from various corners of the world and all share a common passion and vision for providing a challenging, integrated curriculum for gifted children. Whether they are parents of gifted children, gifted themselves, or have long-standing relationships with the gifted community, SAA faculty and staff truly understand the traits and needs of the gifted child.  Collectively, they bring passion and skill to their craft, making them uniquely qualified to live out SAA’s mission and philosophy in every classroom, everyday. 

From professional musicians, artists and actors, to scientists, poets, and authors, SAA teachers draw upon all of their interests and areas of expertise to inspire our students both inside and outside of the classroom.  

Conrad Wildsmith

Conrad Wildsmith

Head of School

Search for Faculty & Staff

Brian Allen

Brian Allen

Titles: ​Middle School Social Studies, Advisor
Tim Alloian

Tim Alloian

Titles: Director of Technology, Infrastructure & Facilities
Steve Bayer

Steve Bayer

Titles: ​Middle School Drama, Advisor
Clarissa Bird

Clarissa Bird

Titles: 2nd grade Homeroom, Math, Language Arts, Social Studies
Mike Bott

Mike Bott

Titles: Middle School Math, Explore and Create STEM, Advisor
Debra Bullock

Debra Bullock

Titles: Middle School Science, Language Arts, Advisor
Kelly Burlingame

Kelly Burlingame

Titles: Librarian
Karen Burriesci

Karen Burriesci

Titles: 4th grade Homeroom, Lower School Math
Melissa Cannata

Melissa Cannata

Titles: Middle School Language Arts, Advisor
Tricia Cawley

Tricia Cawley

Titles: Kindergarten
Suzy Ceci

Suzy Ceci

Titles: Middle School French, Advisor
Tina Centineo

Tina Centineo

Titles: SEL Coordinator, 2nd - 4th grade SEL
Joan Chanpong

Joan Chanpong

Titles: Permanent Substitute Teacher
Kristin Colletti

Kristin Colletti

Titles: Junior Kindergarten
Lorena Contreras

Lorena Contreras

Titles: Lower School Spanish​
Awatif Doubaj

Awatif Doubaj

Titles: Lower School French
Abbe Drexler

Abbe Drexler

Titles: 1st grade Homeroom​, Language Arts, Math, Social Studies
Cindy Gando

Cindy Gando

Titles: Early Childcare Teaching Assistant, Aftercare Supervisor
Julie Gibbons

Julie Gibbons

Titles: Kindergarten
Diana Gordon

Diana Gordon

Titles: Director of Health Services
Marcial Herrera

Marcial Herrera

Titles: Facilities Coordinator
Mindy Hildebrandt

Mindy Hildebrandt

Titles: Director of Enrollment Management
Amy Jacobs

Amy Jacobs

Titles: Instructional Coach in Gifted Learning, Lower School Science
Catherine May Katauskas

Catherine May Katauskas

Titles: Middle School Math, Study Skills
Morgan Kelly

Morgan Kelly

Titles: Middle School Social Studies, Advisor
Aaron Kimmel

Aaron Kimmel

Titles: Middle School Math, Advisor
Rebecca Kleps

Rebecca Kleps

Titles: Literacy Specialist, 4th grade Homeroom, Language Arts, Social Studies
Shirley Krzyzyk

Shirley Krzyzyk

Titles: Academic Resource Specialist
Jamie Lau

Jamie Lau

Titles: Director of Instructional Technology, Middle School Science
Kimberly Lewis

Kimberly Lewis

Titles: 2nd grade Homeroom, Math, Language Arts
Ray Llanes

Ray Llanes

Titles: Middle School Math, Advisor
Erika Maliwanag

Erika Maliwanag

Titles: Director of Student Life, Science Olympiad Director
Carolyn Manley

Carolyn Manley

Titles: Director of School Counseling, Advisor
Margie McEvoy

Margie McEvoy

Titles: Explore and Create
James McNair

James McNair

Titles: Music, Band, Orchestra, Advisor
Emily Muller

Emily Muller

Titles: Lower School Drama
Travis Munson

Travis Munson

Titles: ​​1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th & 8th grade Art
Michelle Murphy

Michelle Murphy

Titles: Administrative Assistant
Agnes Nurkowski

Agnes Nurkowski

Titles: Early Childhood Teaching Assistant
Lisa Pang

Lisa Pang

Titles: 3rd grade Homeroom, Lower School Math
Steven Peter

Steven Peter

Titles: Physical Education, Coordinator of Transportation and Athletic Programs
Beverly Preuss

Beverly Preuss

Titles: JEDI Lead Practitioner, Middle School Music, Chorus ​
Jim Radermacher

Jim Radermacher

Titles: Business Manager
Monika Robinett

Monika Robinett

Titles: Associate Director of Enrollment Management, Registrar
Drew Roling

Drew Roling

Titles: Middle School Science, Advisor
Nick Russo

Nick Russo

Titles: Physical Education, Advisor
Dr. Jennifer Sampson

Dr. Jennifer Sampson

Titles: 5th & 6th grade Language Arts, Advisor
Kit San Fratello

Kit San Fratello

Titles: 3rd grade Homeroom, 3rd & 4th grade Social Studies, Language Arts
Linda Spataro

Linda Spataro

Titles: Lower School Science
Jennifer Spence

Jennifer Spence

Titles: Assistant Business Manager
Thalia Tarsinos

Thalia Tarsinos

Titles: 5th and 7th grade Language Arts, Enrichment Coordinator, Advisor
Dr. Ama Thompson

Dr. Ama Thompson

Titles: Director of Assessment, Curriculum & Instruction
Haley Thurman

Haley Thurman

Titles: 1st grade Homeroom, Language Arts, Math, Social Studies
Emma Trauth

Emma Trauth

Titles: Junior Kindergarten
Maria Trella

Maria Trella

Titles: Middle School Spanish, Advisor
Bobbi Weber

Bobbi Weber

Titles: Lower School Music, Band, Orchestra
Conrad Wildsmith

Conrad Wildsmith

Titles: Head of School
Juliette Zielke

Juliette Zielke

Titles: 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade Art, Jr. Kindergarten & Kindergarten World Wide Wonder
Joanna Zisis

Joanna Zisis

Titles: Director of Marketing, Communications & Development