The Class of 2024
Science & Arts Academy Alumni will forever remain an important part of the SAA family. We encourage alumni to reconnect with the SAA community.
Whether pursuing an education, advancing in a profession, or raising a family, each and every Science & Arts Academy alumnus has an important story to tell about how their time at SAA impacted their personal journeys. As scientists and engineers, students and scholars, artists and entrepreneurs, our alumni are using the skills and knowledge cultivated at SAA to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
Stay in Touch
Share Your Contact Information*
Tell us how to reach you so we can share news with you as part of the SAA community and help you and your classmates stay close. *Your personal information is kept confidential, and used solely for Science & Arts Academy to keep in touch with you.
Share Your News
We want to hear about your successes.
Please share personal and professional updates with us.
Connect with SAA
SAA Alumni are encouraged to follow SAA on Facebook for school news and events. Join the official Alumni Facebook Group to connect with fellow alumni and learn more about alumni initiatives. *This is a private group and membership is only open to SAA alumni.
Network with your fellow SAA community by joining the SAA Alumni Network on LinkedIn, dedicated to promoting professional development and strengthening the SAA community globally. *Membership is only open to SAA alumni.
Follow us on Instagram to see what we are up to at SAA, everyday!
Elliot Gold '14 delivers the customary Eagle Adress at our 2024
graduation ceremony.
My nine years at SAA has been one of the most remarkable experiences of my life. SAA is a very special place to me, and my favorite aspect about it is the community. I feel as if I know every student in the building, I have built relationships with my teachers, and made amazing friendships with my peers. Class of 2022 Graduate
Every spring, Science & Arts Academy alumni meet with 8th grade students about the transition to high school during the annual Alumni Panel.
“I would like to thank every single teacher I have had ... you have all made an impact on me that will help me to succeed in the future.”Class of 2024 Graduate
I will remember the support that my teachers and peers provided me for years to come.
Class of 2024 Graduate