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Learning Curves

Empowering Parents, Nurturing Gifted Learners

Assessment: A Journey, Not a Destination
Amy Jacobs

The testing culture has been built up around high-stakes tests that “prove” what students know. The reality is that students need to learn information, integrate it into their understanding of their world, and apply it in real-world situations. 

Read More about Assessment: A Journey, Not a Destination
What does it mean to be the parent of a gifted child?
Amy Jacobs

Everywhere you look, you will find lists of characteristics of gifted learners, but you still may not be sure about what the label “gifted” means. 

In this Learning Curves, we will break down a variety of myths surrounding giftedness.

Read More about What does it mean to be the parent of a gifted child?
Welcome to Learning Curves
Amy Jacobs

We’re excited to connect with you and provide valuable resources to help navigate the unique journey of gifted education.

Read More about Welcome to Learning Curves
science & arts academy gifted school des plaines illinois students parents


Share Your Ideas

science & arts academy gifted school des plaines illinois students parents

As we plan upcoming parent education topics, blogs, or relevant content we can share with families, we want to hear your thoughts and ideas.

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October 4, 2024
Test Stress »

September 16, 2024:
Assessment »

September 5, 2024: 
What's In a Name »

science & arts academy gifted school des plaines illinois students parents